Everyone has their limits. Those limits are not realised until faced with monumental challenge. That’s when true limits are realised.
I’ve hit my limit.
As a direct result of a massive life change, I’ve been faced with a situation. It’s very real, leaving someone very close deeply, deeply troubled. I have navigated this person in every single way possible. I’ve exhausted all tools and have hit my limit. With nothing left, I’m empty, flat, exasperated, frustrated and unable to deal with it anymore. I need boundaries, change and most of all a handover to the person that’s responsible for this. I’ve expired, entirely. It’s not my energy to give now.
Back to anchors, I’m off course. My anchors: authenticity, balance. My authentic self tells me things are askew. Excessive energy expended in the wrong directions. Balance is required. Others have to take responsibility for their own thoughts and actions. It’s not on me. But this person will always need me, and I will always be there.
There does come a point, and it creeps up, when there’s the realisation that it’s gone too far, limits are now behind you, in your wake. At the expense of yourself, you’ve run yourself down. Almost at the point of no return. Return, Quickly. Don’t just return to the start point, go further, there needs to be a buffer, boundaries, not to tower over you, but hold you firm. Get back to that.
Negative zero energy equals negative zero you. Identify limits ahead of you before they are behind. Boundaries.