


Don’t control a free spirit, in fact don’t control anything, particularly a free spirit. Why would you, they can’t be contained and neither they should be. They’re free flowing, content and relaxed and often the envy of others despite their judgement. Life’s a breeze, a gentle one, when it becomes stronger, a free spirit, glides along effortlessly. Anyway, that’s how it seems, cool rivers run deep and what you see is a fraction of what lies beneath. It’s worth finding out, there’s a lot to know, a lot to learn, and a lot to love.

Free souls are content to fly solo, they don’t need others for energy. They live by their own rules and are unaffected by judgement and expectation. Highly instinctual and intuitive, a free spirit will go where the mood or feeling takes them.

Those close to a free spirit may feel dissatisfied, confused and secondary. Unimportant. The needs and desires of a free spirit will always come first, always. Fit in or fuck off. The attraction will be intense as a free spirit is both magnetic and unpredictable. I’ll have some of that. Put your own needs second, you will never come first to them. So be first to yourself.

Free spirits are often preoccupied and distracted, creative daydreamers. They are elsewhere, never fully present, as much as you crave that. They’re not capable of it, or are they? They choose imagination over you, lost in fantasy and wonderful thoughts.

A free spirit. The most beautiful thing if you take the time, but put yourself first for you.




Empathy is a beautiful human trait. It’s one of the things that sets us apart from other animals. Some people lack empathy, it’s missing in action. Particularly narcissists. Narcissists have a severe lack of empathy. It can sometimes be disguised as apparently empathy can be learned. But it’s easy to spot if you know the signs, complete ambidexterity.

Empaths take sensitivity to the extreme, sensing energy and absorbing it, resulting in sensory overload. Emotions are felt extremely deeply, both personally and for others. Boundaries are critical so as to avoid absorbing others stress and pain and taking on emotions as their own. Not an easy ask when intuitively empaths are drawn to energies.

Some empaths are highly spiritual and intuitive. Intuition is a gift. We all have it to varying degrees. Some choose to ignore it. More fool them. Intuition is a great informer and protector. It can be hard to hear, quietly murmuring, or in my case, screaming obscenities after being ignored for so long. Listen.

Intuitive empaths are also adept at knowing if someone is lying or being truthful. It’s like they have laser vision and can see inside your head. They’re likely to avoid confrontation with their findings, as they care and feel too deeply. Empaths can read people and situations, identify issues between people, pick up on subtle energies. Note - Particularly interesting at a party with couples who have been together a long time.

Empath, a wonderful gift, but with conditions.




One big ugly life change that’s opened up my eyes and my world. For that, I feel so much gratitude.

Prior, I was blinkered, settling for less, existing. Struggling, hoping, muted. The world was grey, blurred. I was hollow and sad. Soul tired.

When a life change was upon me, I embraced it as best I could. I made choices, healthy ones, and set my sights on moving forward, very slowly at first. It was hard, very hard but I hung onto small glimpses of hope and light.

Those shining, fleeting moments carried me forward. When opportunities were presented, even big daunting ones, I quietly said yes. Those yes moments have brought me to today, and I could not be more proud of how far I have come.

The new me has traces of the old but the new Kara is confident and brave. The new me has healthy boundaries and an intuitive heart that knows instinctively who to let in, and who to lovingly leave out.

Today I notice the small things, and appreciate them for what they are. I don’t miss the signs when they’re there, and there have been many. Signs that tell me I’m on the right path. People that have come into my life at the right time, special people, significant. Opportunities that have presented, both little and massive.

Gratitude, I am grateful that I have been through both the worst and the best year of my life.




Anchor. Anchoring. Stability. A sense of being grounded. To be grounded is self-belief and a trust in personal values. Without values, you’re adrift, off course. Values provide centredness, holding you steady.

Values are an inner gauge to direct behaviours and attitudes. They’re intuitive and operate in the background. There are endless values, here are my top 5; authenticity, balance, compassion, contribution and kindness.

Authenticity is being genuine and real, true to yourself. Balance is leading a centred life, keeping all parts in harmony. Compassion is about being a good person, offering a loving heart and understanding another person at a soul level, without judgement or expectation. Contribution is giving back, understanding that you are part of a whole. Kindness is concern and consideration for others and their circumstances. If you can be anything, absolutely be kind.

These 5 values form my anchor, bringing me back to me intrinsically, sending signals when things are askew. The only one to be truly relied upon, is yourself. The only one that can be moulded and changed, is yourself. The only one who will always be a constant, is yourself. Me, my anchor.

Water allures me, it’s a gravitational pull that’s always touched my soul and left me happiest, it’s around water that I feel most ‘grounded’. There’s a special electrical energy present in the ground. When grounded, it leaves you centred, strong and balanced. I feel at my most grounded around water.

Grounded. Anchored. Held firm, not tight, slightly adrift. That’s me.